SpeakTra Privacy Policy

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General Information

This privacy policy explains how our app, SpeakTra, collects, uses, and shares user personal data.

Data Controller

The data controller of the personal data collected by the SpeakTra app is:

  • Name: Bechook
  • Email address: hirinoor@gmail.com

Personal Data Collected

Our app collects the following personal data from users:

  • Usage Data: This data includes information about the app’s usage, such as pages visited, features used, and preferences set. This data is collected to improve the user experience and to provide relevant advertising.
  • Location Data: This data is collected only if the user has consented to share their location. Location data is used to provide relevant translation services.
  • Audio and Video Data: This data is collected only if the user uses the audio or video translation features. Audio and video data is used to provide accurate translation services.

Use of Personal Data

The personal data collected by the SpeakTra app is used for the following purposes:

  • To provide and improve the app: Usage data is used to improve the user experience and to provide relevant advertising. Location data is used to provide relevant translation services. Audio and video data is used to provide accurate translation services.
  • To provide translation services: Usage data, location data, and audio and video data are used to provide accurate and relevant translation services.
  • To provide advertising services: Usage data is used to provide relevant advertising services.

Communication of Personal Data

The personal data collected by the SpeakTra app may be shared with third parties for the following purposes:

  • To provide translation services: Usage data, location data, and audio and video data may be shared with Google to provide translation services.
  • To provide advertising services: Usage data may be shared with third parties to provide advertising services.

Transfer of Personal Data

The personal data collected by the SpeakTra app may be transferred abroad for the following purposes:

  • To provide translation services: Usage data, location data, and audio and video data may be transferred to Google to provide translation services.
  • To provide advertising services: Usage data may be transferred to third parties to provide advertising services.

User Rights

Users have the following rights in relation to the personal data collected by the SpeakTra app:

  • Right of access: Users have the right to access their personal data.
  • Right of rectification: Users have the right to rectify their incorrect or incomplete personal data.
  • Right to erasure: Users have the right to request the deletion of their personal data in certain circumstances.
  • Right to restriction of processing: Users have the right to request the restriction of the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances.
  • Right to data portability: Users have the right to request the portability of their personal data in certain circumstances.
  • Right to object: Users have the right to object to the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances.

To exercise their rights, users may contact the data controller at the following contact details:

  • Email address: hirinoor@gmail.com